UNDERSTANDING: (Antonym) Inconsiderate.

It is obvious that some people are very troubled with subjects and events they do not fully understand.  Sometimes they are in the middle of a lopsided argument because they are missing some pieces of information that could help them understand.  It is frustrating when others know something that we do not understand.  We are going the wrong way.  Worse yet, some worry a good deal about the stuff they do understand.  This is a real challenge to those who do not understand.  Understand?

The most troubling path to travel is the one taken incorrectly.  When the decision to go on that path was made with proper understanding, it becomes less troubling to travel.  Add value to understanding.  Help make those paths less troubling to travel.  If you make a mistake and go the wrong way, get more understanding.  You see, understanding a mistake changes the understanding altogether, does it not?

Understanding the changes in others will change our understanding of others.  Do you understand all of this?  Get understanding, first.

I don’t understand what understanding is.  If only you could understand a little.  It would make misunderstanding a lot easier to take.

If only men could understand women.  If only women could understand men.  We would have to change the way we understand each other.  Then we might not see men understand women nor women understand men anymore, nor any less.  Get knowledge.  And with knowledge, get understanding.  And with understanding, get wisdom.

If you are misunderstood, there is nothing to worry about.  But if you misunderstand, you have plenty to worry about.

If you do not understand, don't ruin it by stretching what you do not understand.  It will certainly snap!

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