RISK: (Antonym) Protection.

Risk is not plunder.  Plunder is forced.  Risk is optional.  Risk can be calculated.  Plunder is is always hazardous.  Not all risk is risky.  You can plunder the land.  You can plunder the savings account.  But to risk your life on a worthy dream may supply a quality reality.  Plunder will deny it.

No man has a right to all of his rights.  Some of his rights will be too risky to carry out.  But to a man who manages risk in a well defined way, his risk returns generously as he activates his efforts.  The greater the level of risk, greater is the chance for the return to increase.  Yet on the other hand, the greater the risk, greater is the potential for a failure to occur.  That is exactly how risk works.

Balance is defined by how much risk the person taking the risk permits.  No risk, no measurable gain.  What is amazing is the amount of people that take no risks and expect great results to occur.  They obviously misunderstand risk.

Success is partially the result of someone taking the chance when the chance was waiting to be taken.

People cannot rule risks.  Risks rule people.

With each new day comes a new set of risks, and a new set of risks waits idly by.

Freely taking what is not in your possession to hold is only noble when it is a risk waiting to be taken.

There are no colors that best define risk.  Risk is usually black and white.  Unfortunately to most, they drop the clarity of black and white and the resulting opportunity becomes gray.

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