DETERMINATION: (Antonym) Weakness.

Most people believe determination is in their daily activities.  Those who play solitaire over and over so they can finally win a game imagine they are practicing determination.  They are.  However, determination that is effective works a little bit differently than that.  Effective determination is like doing things others are unwilling to do, when they most need to be done.

Making persistent adjustments in the tools of the mind so you can accomplish things your hand tools are not designed to do is an example of great determination.  Just about the time someone says a thing cannot be done, watch someone step up and do it.  The mind of a determined sole is tough to beat.

Determination is also acting in a way that does what needs to be done at a time when doing it seems so impossible.

Exploration of all the wrong things is determination only when the right things have been revealed.

The less light we see at the end of the tunnel establishes the determination we need to get to the other side.

If exercise is something that needs to be added for good health, do not join a health club.  Try adding real determination to the mix and get up an hour earlier than usual and do some push-ups, sit-ups, calisthenics and running in place until your heart gets a good workout.  You do not need a health club to make that happen.

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