ENTHUSIASM: (Antonym) Unconsciousness.

If you are the only child in the class that has the nerve to raise your hand, you will be called upon.  Those that are called upon are those that will do the deed.  Those that do the deed, lead the way.  Unless you plan to follow someone else’s path, you better learn to raise your hand.

A flat spirit will ensure some level of failure.  No fire can burn without a spark.  But if your fire turns wild, and your spirit goes unchecked, scorching the wrong paths will find the starter an arsonist.  Find the enthusiasm within your projects of life.  Control the proper burn to feed that fire.  Raise your hand and learn the truth about enthusiasm.

Recognize the power of an enthusiastic spirit.  Fan the flame of that spirit.  Keep the coals so hot that people will not step on them.  But remember to stay cool as you fuel the fire with your enthusiasm.

Nothing is so degrading to see as an old leader losing his spirit of enthusiasm.

Any soul can outlive their enthusiasm.  Their hand continues to go up, but for the wrong reasons.  The genius of their sincerity fades as the spirit to maintain their enthusiasm fails.

Somehow, success hangs out with enthusiastic fellows.  And as fickle as success can be, it disappears when the enthusiasm begins to wander away.

There are all kinds of colds, all kinds of diseases.  But one fever is certainly worth having, the fever of reason.  This kind of fever is exhibited only by the altitude of the enthusiasm it kindles.

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