CONCENTRATION: (Antonym) Ignore.

Two minutes ago I had a thought that would change the way I understand things.  But I was not paying very much attention to it so I can keep thinking the same as before.

Thinking about one thing too deeply hurts the muscles in my head.  I can actually feel them starting to stretch and pain becomes slightly noticeable.  Feeling my head with my hands makes me think most of my head is like a hard-shelled bone.  How can a bone hurt by just thinking hard about one single subject?

If I run a mile, the tissues of muscles jiggle hard and tighten with each step.  You can see them.  They flex and twist and grip and bounce.  I can understand how these muscles would hurt after a mile work out.  But the bone-like shell that holds in my brains…how can a measure of deep thinking begin to hurt my brain so much?

When you are confused about an important subject, study it deeper.  When you do not know enough about an important thing, and you are not concerned about it, you will not concentrate on what you need to find out.

Conquer the desire to skip concentration.  Learn to hurt the mind more often.  The muscles of the brain are real.  They need to be pressed into action.  Pressing them with concentration will hurt just enough to produce a better reward.

Centralize the concentration by working the brain muscles with a single effort of a single series of thought patterns on one simple subject.  Pick the lone subject.  Arrange the thought patterns to involve only that subject.  Now work the brain on those patterns until the head begins to hurt.  This is true concentration.  There is an obvious reason why many of us do not know anything about this subject.

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